Teaching activities

PhD & MSc students  |   Graduation studio & labs  |   Course setup & coordination  |  Program director  |  Other activities

PhD & MSc students

PhD research
15 PhD’s on Landscape-based Approaches to Urban Planning and Design (6 completed: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2023)

MSc & Post-MSc graduation projects
117 MSc + Post-MSc graduation projects (2009-2024), topics include: Landscape-based design approaches, Design with natural processes, Planning and Design of Delta cities, Climate proof cities, etc.


MSc graduation studio | Thematic research & design labs

Resilient Coastal Landscapes

Setup/Coordinator/Tutor MSc Landscape Architecture Graduation Lab 2021-2022 (AR3LA010, 15 ECTS). Student evaluation: 9
Designing Coastal Landscapes

Setup/Coordinator/Tutor MSc Landscape Architecture Graduation Lab 2020-2021 (AR3LA010, 15 ECTS)

Landscape Aproach Greater Bay Area, China

Setup/Coordinator/Tutor MSc Landscape Architecture Graduation Lab 2019-2020 (AR3LA010, 15 ECTS)
Landscape Approach South-Florida

Setup/Coordinator/Tutor MSc Landscape Architecture Graduation Lab 2018-2019 (AR3LA010, 15 ECTS)

Flowscapes. Infrastructure as Landscape, Landscape as Infrastructure

Setup/Coordinator/Tutor MSc Landscape Architecture Graduation Studio 2012-2016 (AR3LA010, 15 ECTS). Student evaluations: 2015 (8), 2014 (9), 2013 (8.5), 2012 (8)

Program director


European Post-master in Urbanism (Sept 2017- June 2020)  Read more...   

Course setup & coordination

Student evaluations derived from semester scans of the Department Quality Assurance Education and Student affairs, and Student surveys of Polis/TUD Landscape architecture 

  • 2012-ongoing: Setup/Coordinator/Tutor MSc Research methodology in landscape architecture (AR3LA020, 5 ECTS). Student evaluations: 2018 (9), 2015 (8), 2014 (7.9), 2013 (7.7), 2012 (7.7)
  • 2011-ongoing: Setup/Coordinator/Tutor Methodology in Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, European post-graduate Master in Urbanism (EMU) (AR9320, 5 ECTS). Student evaluations: 2013 (8.5), 2012 (9.5), 2011 (9.0)
  • 2014-2015: Setup/Coordinator/Tutor Minor-Register+ Green Link Landscape architecture strategies for regional planning and design (2 courses: theory + precedent study, 10 ECTS)
  • 2014-2015: Coordinator/Tutor MSc3 Design with natural processes (AR3LA030, 5 ECTS)
  • 2009-2012: Setup/Coordinator/Tutor MSc3 Research by drawing. Course MSc1 (AR1LA030, 3 ECTS). Student evaluation: 2012 (8.5)
  • 2009-2012: Setup/Coordinator/Tutor MSc3 Reflecting on landscapes. Course MSc1 (AR1LA070, 3 ECTS) 

Other activities

  • 2015-ongoing: Setup/Tutor LDE Master City Developer, Module 5: Strategie en Concept