Conference proceedings & magazines
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Conference proceedings and articles professional magazines
- Nijhuis, S (2022) Does the computer have a better idea? Essay over de potentiële rol van digitale technologie en data in ruimtelijke planvorming en ontwerp Architectuurcentrum Aorta Utrecht
- Bergen,
J van, Nijhuis, S, Mulder, J, & Wijnberg (2020) 'Urban dunes: promoting BwN dune formation at nourished beaches through spatial design', ICCE 2020: International Conference on Coastal Engineering (Virtual) 6-9 Oct 2020
- Liu, M & Nijhuis, S (2019) 'Digital methods for mapping landscape space', in:
Gao, L. & Egoz, S. (eds.) Lessons from the past, visions for the future: Celebrating one hundred years of landscape architecture education in Europe. Oslo: School of Landscape Architecture, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, p. 29-30
Nijhuis, S
(2019) ‘Cultivating regions through design’, Atlantis 29 (3); 40-43
- Nijhuis, S (2019) 'Urban Landscape Infrastructure:
Strategizing green space for urban development', Urban China 84, 60-67 (in Chinese)
S, Nijhuis, S & Cortesao, J (2018) 'RTD
in landscape architecture: a first State of the Art', in: Storni, C, et al.
(eds) Peer Reviewed Proceedings of DRS2018 Vol. 1.: Catalyst. (381-393). London:
Design Research Society.
- Nijhuis, S (2017) ‘Digital landscape architecture’, Atlantis 27 (3); 43-46
- Nijhuis, S (2016) ‘GIS-applications in landscape design and research’, in: s.n. (Ed.) Conference proceedings: ECLAS 2016 11-14 September 2016, Rapperswil, Zurich (Switzerland)
- Nijhuis, S (2016) ‘Cartographic explorations: Mapping as tool for knowledge discovery in landscape and urban planning ’, in: C. Hein, et al. (Eds.) Conference Proceedings 17th IPHS: History, Urbanism, Resilience, Delft 17-21 July
- Nijhuis, S (2014) ‘Applications of GIS in landscape design research’, in: s.n. (Ed.) Conference proceedings: Geodesign Summit Europe, 11-12 September 2014, Delft University of Technology
- Pouderoijen, MT & Nijhuis, S (2014) ‘Tracing dikes. The development of a comprehensive Dike-GIS of the Netherlands’, in: s.n. (Ed.) Conference proceedings: Geodesign Summit Europe, 11-12 September 2014, Delft University of Technology
- Tisma, A, Velde, JRT van der, Nijhuis, S & Pouderoijen, MT (2014) ‘Nature in the Metropolis: Mapping Biodiversity Using Metropolitan Landscape Characterization Tools’, in: I.M. Da Silva, T.P. Marques, G. Andrada (eds.) Landscape: A place of cultivation. Book of proceedings, ECLAS conference 21-23 September 2014, University of Porto, pp. 304-445
- Nijhuis, S & Jauslin, D (2013) Flowscapes. Design studio for landscape infrastructures, in: Atlantis 23 (3); 60-62
- Skipetari, A & Nijhuis, S (2012) Drawing in architectural lighting design, Magazine for Professional Lighting Design no. 80/81 Dec 2011/Jan 2012; 42-45
- Tisma, A, Velde, JRT van der, Nijhuis, S &Pouderoijen, MT (2012) ‘Metropolitan landscape characterization: A typo-morphological approach’, in: s.n. (Ed.) Conference proceedings: The production of place London: University of East London, pp. 1-16
- Van Lammeren, R & Nijhuis, S (2012) ‘Visual Landscape Research’, in: Yearbook Environmental Sciences Group Wageningen University;
- Nijhuis, S, Bobbink, I & Jauslin, D (2011) ‘Research and design in landscape architecture’, in: Roozenburg, NFM, Chen, LL & Stappers, PJ (eds.) Diversity and Unity, Proceedings IASDR2011. 4th World Conference on Design Research, 31 october - 4 november 2011. Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
- Nijhuis, S & Stellingwerff, M (2011) ‘3D-Models in landscape architecture’, in: Breen, J and Stellingwerff, M (Eds.) Envisioning Architecture. Conference proceedings European Architectural Envisioning Association 14-17 September 2011, Delft University of Technology, pp. 197-208
- Meyer, H & Nijhuis, S (2010) Towards a Typology of Urbanizing Deltas. Lecture International Conference Deltas in Times of Climate Change, Rotterdam (unpublished reading; abstract in: Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth - Abstracts. Rotterdam. pp 154-155)
- Spek, SC van der & Nijhuis, S (2009) ‘3D-visualisation of Activity Patterns in Public Space‘, in: N van de Weghe, B Gottfried, P de Mayer & R Billen (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation. Gent, Ghent University. pp 1-12
- Nijhuis, S (2007) ‘Permanent architectonic structures and GIS’. in: HJ Rosemann (Ed.), PermaCity. Delft: IFoU. pp 203-209.
- Nijhuis, S (2007) ‘Regional parks in metropolitan planning‘, in: G Bruyns, A Fuchs, MJ Hoekstra, VJ Meijer, & A van Nes (Eds.), 4th International Seminar on Urbanism and Urbanization. The European Tradition in Urbanism - and its Future. International PhD conference. Delft: IFoU. pp 12-18.
- Ruijter, MA den, & Nijhuis, S (2007) ‘World expositions in urban planning’, in: G Bruyns, A Fuchs, MJ Hoekstra, VJ Meyer, & A van Nes (Eds.), 4th International Seminar on Urbanism and Urbanization. The European Tradition in Urbanism - and its Future. International PhD conference. Delft: IFoU. pp 103-106.
External reports and exhibitions
- Nijhuis, S & Hogenkamp, L. A. (eds.) (2023). Missie Kennisregio aan Zee 2070: Ruimtelijke voorwaarden voor duurzame economische ontwikkeling en een leefbare toekomst van de Zuid-Hollandse kustregio. Delft University of Technology.
- Grimoin, E & Nijhuis, S (2016) Exploring Green infrastructures. Concepts and practices in green infrastructure design. TU Delft (internal report)
- Meyer, H, Peters, R, Bacchin, T, Hooimeijer, F. & Nijhuis, S (2016) A plea for putting the issue of Urbanizing Deltas on the New Urban Agenda, UN Habitat III. Delft & The Hague: Delta Alliance, TU Delft & Ministry of Foreign affairs.
- Meyer, VJ, Nijhuis, S & Pouderoijen, M.T. (2014) ‘Urbanized deltas in transition’. Display at International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam (IABR), Urban by nature: Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2014, May 29 - 2014, August 24)
- Meyer, VJ, Nijhuis, S & Pouderoijen, M.T. (2014) ‘Comparing urbanized deltas’. Display at 14th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2014: Venice, Italy (2014, June 7 - 2014, November 23)
- Meyer, VJ, Nijhuis, S & Pouderoijen, MT (2013) ‘Rhine Meuse Delta. Delft - The Dutch southwest delta’, Display XIV Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires: Buenos Aires 21 September - 20 October 2013
- Meyer, VJ, Berg, J. van den, Bregt, A, Broesi, R, Dammers, E, Edelenbos, J, Nieuwenhuijze, L, Roeleveld, G, Burg, LPJ van den, Nijhuis, S, Pouderoijen, MT, Warmerdam, MM & Hurk, M van den (2013) Nieuwe perspectieven voor een verstedelijkte delta: naar een methode van planvorming en ontwerp. Delft: Integrated Planning and Design in the Delta (IPDD)
- Meyer, VJ, Burg, LPJ van den, Broesi, R, Duinker, R, Hausleitner, B, Leeuwen, C. van, Manen, N van, Nijhuis, S, Pel, B & Warmerdam, MM (2012) IPDD Werkpakket 2 : Retrospectief: Majeure interventies in het deltasysteem 1850-2000. Werkdocument. Delft: TU Delft
- Bos, I, Bekius, D & Nijhuis, S (2012) Kernkwaliteiten nationaal landschap Laag Holland. Een systematische nulmeting. Heiloo: Landschap Noord-Holland
- Nijhuis, S (2012) Openheid Laag Holland. Meten aan landschappelijke ruimte. Delft/Heiloo: Technische Universiteit Delft/Landschap Noord-Holland
- Nijhuis, S, Pouderoijen, M.T. and Wiers, J (2011) Augmented Landscape Model of Kennemerland. Permanent exhibition Beeckestijn Podium for Garden and Landscape Culture [permanent exhibition]
- Nijhuis, S (2011) Notitie analyse openheid van enkele veenweidegebieden in Nationaal Landschap Laag-Holland. Delft: Technische Universiteit Delft. Gepubliceerd in: Reitsma, M. (ed.) Nieuwe landschappen. De cultuur van Noord-Holland. Amsterdam: SUN Transcity
- Nijhuis, S (2010) ‘Openheid’, in: Leidraad Landschap en Cultuurhistorie. Beleidsregels voor ontwikkelingen met ruimtelijke kwaliteit. Haarlem, Provincie Noord-Holland
- Nijhuis, S (2010) Quickscan groenbehoefte “Common Green Noordas”. Rotterdam, Stadsregio Rotterdam
- Nijhuis, S (2010) Quickscan visuele effecten Landschapsplan Binnenduingebied Bergen. Haarlem, Provincie Noord-Holland
- Nijhuis, S (2010) Visuele Effectrapportage Windmolens in het Hattemerbroek. Den Haag, Raad van State in zaak 200806507/1, 200808402/1; Windturbinepark Hattem Oldebroek, Natuurbeschermingswet 1998 (4 januari 2010)
- Uum, E van, Gerwen, R van & Nijhuis, S (2010) Koersnota verstedelijking 2010-2020 met doorkijk tot 2040. Nijmegen/Amsterdam, Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen/Het Noordzuiden
- Uum, E van, Gerwen, R van, Nijhuis, S & Rijn, R. van (2010) Turbulente combinaties. Verkenning naar ruimte voor windenergie op land door windturbines te combineren met andere functies. Den Haag/Amsterdam, Ministerie van VROM/Het Noordzuiden
- Berghauser Pont, M, Nes, A. van, Nijhuis, S & Mashoodi, B. (2010) Dynamische ontwerpomgeving Rotterdam Zuid. De koppeling van Space Syntax en Spacemate. Rotterdam/Delft, dS+V Rotterdam/U-LAB TU Delft
- Kooij, E. van der, Bobbink, I, Nijhuis, S & Timmermans, G. (2009) Sterk water. Zoektocht naar de rol van ontwerpen met water op het grensvlak van stad en land. Amsterdam, etc., DRO, Waternet TU Delft.
- Nes, A. van, Stolk, E, Nijhuis, S (2009) ‘Space syntax Noord-Holland’, in: Werkboek bouwstenen structuurvisie Noord-Holland 2040. Analyses en Verkenningen 3/3. Haarlem, Provincie Noord-Holland
- Nijhuis, S (2009) ‘Het visuele landschap’, in: Werkboek bouwstenen structuurvisie Noord-Holland 2040. Analyses en Verkenningen 3/3. Haarlem, Provincie Noord-Holland
- Nijhuis, S, Ruijter, MA den, & Polhuijs, R (2008). Museumplein Amsterdam. Onderzoek naar de bezoekersstromen en de ruimtelijke organisatie van het museumplein. Dieren: DENetc b.v.
- Nijhuis, S, Marlet, G, Metaal, S, Uum, E van,& Gerwen, R van (2008). Kwaliteitsimpuls voor het dorp. Het DNA van drie dorpen in de Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen. Nijmegen: Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen/Noordzuiden.
- Bobbink, I, & Nijhuis, S (2007). De architectuur van het water. Ruimtelijke ontwerpen met water op de overgang van stedelijke en regionale watersystemen in Amsterdam Zuid-oost. Delft: TU Delft & Gemeente Amsterdam DRO.
- Dwarshuis, W, Mallekoote, J, Nijhuis, S, Ruijter, MA den,& Smolenaers, H (2007). Keukenhof; ontwerponderzoek naar de spreiding van bezoekers bij een veranderende organisatie. Dieren: DENetc.
- Uum, E van, Nijhuis, S, & Buskens, J (2007). Regionaal plan 2005-2020; Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen. Nijmegen/Amsterdam: Vista.
- Uum, E van, & Nijhuis, S (2007). Kennislab Randstad Holland. Den Haag: Ministerie van VROM.
Research and educational programs
- Nijhuis, S & Van Ham, M. (2022) Architecture and the Built Environment
Self-evaluation report on Research ’16-’21 (Department of Urbanism)
- Nijhuis, S (2018/2019) Zelfevaluatie European Post-Master in Urbanism 2013-2019. QANU
- Nijhuis, S & Sabaté, J (2018) Towards an action plan for the development of European Post-master in Urbanism (EMU) 2018-2021
- Nijhuis, S (2015-2020) Landscape Compositions & Systems: Research Program Landscape Architecture 2016-2020
- Nijhuis, S (2015) Flowscapes: Infrastructure as landscape, landscape as infrastructure. Graduation Lab Landscape Architecture 2015-ongoing
- Nijhuis, S (2014) Green Link (Register+ Minor): Landscape architecture strategies for regional planning and design (Theory + precedent study)
- Nijhuis, S (2012) Research overview 2009-2015 Urban Landscape Architecture: Architecture and Landscape
- Nijhuis, S, Jauslin, D & De Vries, C (2012) Flowscapes. Graduation Lab Landscape Architecture 2012-2013
- Steenbergen, CM, Velde, R vd, Bobbink, I, Nijhuis, S (2010). Research Evaluation Urban Landscape Architecture 2003-2012. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture.
- Steenbergen, CM, Bobbink, I, Nijhuis, S, Velde, R vd, Wit, S de (2010). MSc-track Landscape Architecture 2010-2011 (Q1 en Q2). Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture.
- Steenbergen, CM, Bobbink, I, Nijhuis, S, Velde, R vd (2009). MSc-track Landscape Architecture 2010-2011 (Q1 en Q2). Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture.
- Bobbink, I, Nijhuis, S, Wit, S de (2009). MSc2-programme Architecture & Landscape 2009-2010 (incl. 6 courses). Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture.
- Zandbelt, D, Sepulveda, D, Nes, A. van, Nijhuis, S (2009). MSc3-programme Spatial strategies for a global metropolis 2009-2010. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture.
- Nijhuis, S, Bobbink, S., Wit, S de (2008). MSc2-programme Villa Urbana 2008-2009 (incl. 6 courses). Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture.
- Nijhuis, S (2008). MSc2-programme Architecture & Landscape 2009-2010 [2010-2011]. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture.
- Nijhuis, S (2008). Research-(sub)programme Architecture & Landscape 2009-2012. In: Research-programme Urban Landscape Architecture 2009-2012. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture.
- Steenbergen, CM, Velde, R vd, Bobbink, I, Nijhuis, S (2008). Research-programme Urban Landscape Architecture 2009-2012. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture.
- Steenbergen, CM, Bobbink, I, Schuetze, T, Nijhuis, S, Luiten, EAJ , & Maratilova, RK (2007). EMU-programme Hybrid Landscape. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture.